Finding Home Abroad: The Complex Lives of Brazilians in Switzerland

Alice Garcia Kalmus uncovers the rich, diverse experiences of Brazilian immigrants in Switzerland, exploring themes of identity, integration, and the personal connections that shape their stories.

Editor’s note:

It’s impossible to understand other people’s narratives without simultaneously learning about your own. This is something that stuck with us after reading this submission, and we thought it would therefore beautifully align with the overarching goal of Michaelmas term’s print edition. This author artfully explores their own story and cultural ties, while also highlighting the diversity of stories that exist within a community seldom thought about over here in the UK.


As a keen anthropology student, I knew I wanted to do a dissertation. Once I had decided that I wanted to focus on Brazilians, I began planning my visit to Porto Alegre (in the South of Brazil, where my family is from), eager to see what was going on there (and take the opportunity to use my college travel grant!). Unfortunately, severe flooding proved this to be impossible, so I rethought the possibilities available to me, as well as my reasoning for wanting to do research in the first place - which is personal. As someone who is half Brazilian and was born there but has lived in Europe the majority of my life, I am in many ways much more culturally British but I still have inextricable ties to Brazil. I find this fascinating and think that anyone who’s a migrant in some way can relate to this.

My journey:

 In the end - I found myself visiting my somewhat Bohemian aunt in Geneva, with the hopes of speaking to any (Brazilian) who was willing to share their thoughts. It turned out that the community was massive - the population of Geneva was estimated to be 524,379 in 2022 - with the Brazilian population alone being 40,000. 7.63% of the population in Geneva is Brazilian - and it was striking how impossible it was to walk down the street without hearing Brazilian Portuguese being spoken. ‘They say Brazil has colonised Geneva’ one of my interviewees, Alandra*, joked.

In total, excluding passing conversations and other anecdotes, I interviewed 14 people, from diverse backgrounds and working in many jobs - a cleaner, students, lawyers, an electrician, a psychiatrist and more. Their ages ranged from 24-61 and they were all born in a range of places across Brazil. Most of them lived in Geneva but some also in other cities across Switzerland - common themes explaining the move to the country were existing family commitments, meeting a partner (usually an eventual spouse) and staying for longer than expected, as well as financial and educational opportunities.


The Brazilian community is massive, diverse and multifaceted. Common problems faced were lack of empathy in the medical system, extremely high costs of living, discrimination, cultural differences and homesickness. Many of them emphasised cultural differences and discrimination - which some might find surprising, particularly as Geneva is a city with a 41.6% foreign born population.


The interview process:

Initially, with interviews coming in slowly, I found it difficult to stay motivated and questioned my purpose as a researcher. Could I even call myself that? Was I tasking myself with the impossible: representing a large and important community, which I’m not entirely familiar with myself? I was in a foreign country where I don’t speak the language of the region (French) and was being constantly reminded of my own cultural and linguistic differences with my aunt, who I spoke Portuguese with.

Instead, I reminded myself of my intentions - to highlight the struggles as well as achievements of a community that I am connected to and understand if and how Brazilian experiences are unique to that of others. In an anthropological style, here is a brief introduction to some of my interviewees, and what I learnt from them.

*** names have been changed for anonymity.

Celebrations on Swiss National Day (1st August). We met and made friends with a group of family and friends who were serving West African food and drinks as part of the festivities. I found it interesting how symbols of the Swiss Nation were utilised by minority groups expressing their own culture.


‘Someone like me is a bit complicated for Switzerland’ – Alandra*

 My research was focussed on experiences of integration and isolation of Brazilian immigrants in Switzerland, including family relationships and mental health. Being half Brazilian half British and growing up in London I learnt a lot about the community, and in some ways myself.

 ‘Identity crises are part of being Brazilian’ – Betine*

Betine was 24 and one of my participants. She initially came over to Germany to live in a community that catered to her disability, and to complete her education. After difficulties due to the pandemic, she moved back to Brazil, then again to Germany to work as an au pair, eventually settling in Switzerland. She is now studying an undergraduate degree in a very small university. She reiterated the sense of just how many other Brazilians live in Switzerland. The main thing she missed is having close friendships, and family around her.

‘Don’t call me your Swiss-Brazilian friend – I’m Brazilian’ – Diago*

Diago is 60 and works in IT for the local government. He was born in Rio to a Swiss father and Brazilian mother, and has lived in Switzerland for 34 years, coming initially to study and live with an aunt, and eventually staying for his ex-wife of 17 years. He is a key figure in the Genevan Brazilian community, organising events such as parties and gatherings, and used to be the vice-president of Raizes, a local Brazilian school for young people. Diago doesn’t identify as Swiss at all and ‘has a very strong heart connection’ to Brazil, and specifically as a carioca (from Rio).

‘I have a tight heart when I’m here’ – Roberta*

 Roberta was only staying in Switzerland for three months on a tourist visa, to spend some time with her sister and brother in law after they had a child. She spoke about feeling quite isolated and living within a closed off community.


‘When I’m here I’m Swiss, and when I’m in Brazil I’m Brazilian’ - Ana

 Ana spoke to me about having multiple identities, and how she feels Swiss and well acquainted with the services and systems of the country.

‘I see Switzerland as a mother figure (…) I can’t complain’ - Carmen

 Carmen is 54 and has worked in a range of jobs including running her own jewellery business, cleaning and looking after children and elderly people. She was undoubtedly happy and grateful to live in Switzerland where she described her quality of life and that of her children as very good and immensely better than the hardships they faced in Brazil. Carmen mentioned her disabled son and the quality of support he receives.

‘Services here are good, but the service needs to be equal for everyone’ – Katia

 One thing Katia, 64, mentioned when we were speaking, is the lack of cultural awareness that many doctors have in Switzerland. For example, she told me they recommended eating fruit for breakfast in order for her to lose weight. However, they didn’t take into account that it is customary to eat savoury things for breakfast in the region of Brazil that she’s from. As such, the medical competency of doctors is not always sufficient to adequately treat people from all backgrounds.

A picture of a Thai restaurant that I took in Bains des Pâquis, one of the most multicultural areas in Geneva, home to many international businesses including a Brazilian cafe that we visited. It is also one of the most run down and least funded areas of the city.


Editor’s note: 

Something we should learn from this is to never understand a community to be a monolith. When trying to understand where people from different backgrounds are coming from, always presume complexity - always presume nuance. Even from a brief overview of these people’s lives, it is immediately clear that this is a kaleidoscope of connections, beliefs and perspectives. One can see struggles and joys overlap and intertwine. Bittersweet, for sure, but it’s beautiful to see it written out so plainly. Humans are complicated, but we are very pretty things indeed!


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